Knob Creek Conservancy (KCC) is an organization that was established in 2020 with the goal of preservation, education and recreation of natural areas within the counties of the Knobs region of Kentucky.
Their first project is a joint effort with the City of Hodgenville at McDougal Lake. KCC members have frequently observed Bald Eagles and Osprey at the lake since the trails were built. The group conducted research and decided to build a 45”x45” nesting platform that would be suitable to either species. The KCC board voted on this project in July of 2023.
The plan was presented in early August of 2023 and approved by the city. LaRue Carey Insurance sponsored the pole and Nolin donated the delivery and labor to set the pole once the platform was built.
KCC installed a nest camera that they will monitor and plan to release still photos in the future.
The platform stands roughly 47 feet and 3 inches tall and can be viewed from the McDougal Lake parking areas, the dam and from various locations along the trail (binoculars recommended). KCC says that it will take some time for either species to take to the nesting platform – they hope for fall of 2024 or late winter/early spring of 2025 depending on species.
KCC is supported by local businesses, individuals and yearly KCC memberships. For more information, visit
Information and photos from Knob Creek Conservancy