Welcome to our new column, Around the Co-op. This column will be written by the Nolin RECC Board of Directors. As chair of the Board, I wanted to let you know what we will be doing with this space and invite you to read this monthly feature.
As you may already know, in the cooperative business model, the members are the owners. The Board of Directors of Nolin RECC are nominated by and voted on by our members. We represent six districts that make up the Nolin service area. You can find more information about our current Board members, district boundaries and how we are elected on this page.
The Nolin Board of Directors is dedicated to serving our members and we believe that communicating with our members is key. To that end, we hope that this column will help our members learn more not only about us as a Board, but about the co-op as well.
We look forward to sharing highlights from each of our districts with you!
David P. Brown