You can help reduce the demand on our system during hot summer days between 4-8pm with a few simple steps
One of the largest users of energy in a home is the heating/cooling system. So, when outside temperatures are very high or very low, more energy is needed to heat/cool your home.
“Peak” demand is when the most power is being used on the electrical grid. It is directly driven by outdoor temperatures and is higher in periods of extreme temperatures. Peak demand can put stress on the electrical grid.
There are several simple ways you can help decrease the demand on our system during the summer peak times of 4-8pm:
- Raise the thermostat by a few degrees.
- Use appliances (dish washer, washing machine/dryer) during off-peak hours.
- Prepare meals that don’t require cooking or can be fixed in smaller appliances such as a crock pot or microwave.
- Turn on ceiling fans to circulate air and help rooms feel cooler.
- Keep blinds and curtains closed during the day to keep the sun out.
We appreciate our members’ help keeping demand as low as possible during times when the temperature outside increases energy use across our system. Together, we can beat the peak.