Sign up to “round up” your monthly bill to the nearest dollar and get in our drawing to win $100, $200 or $300 just in time for the holidays! Sign up in our free SmartHub app or call 270-765-6153 and we can help! For less than $12 a year (the average monthly donation is $0.50), our members make a BIG impact!
Everyone signed up for Operation Round-Up by November 30 will be entered into the prize drawing. Those who sign up for Operation Round-Up for the first time between Nov 1-30, 2021 will get an extra gift while supplies last (member must pick up the gift at our E’town or Radcliff office).
Get more details about Operation Round-Up and check out some of the non-profit organizations that have been helped by our members HERE
Watch this short video to learn how to sign up in just a few easy steps using SmartHub: