Outage Center
Welcome to your one-stop spot for information on how to prepare for potential outages and resources for staying safe and informed during outages.
Do We Know Your Power Is Out?
Our metering system gives us a lot of details about your outage. While our advanced meters are designed to let us know you are without power even if you do not contact us, you may have additional information that can help restoration (seeing a line down or broken pole) – or you may just want peace of mind that we know your power is out. There are several ways to communicate with us during an outage including this website, SmartHub and by leaving details in our automated system at (270) 765-6153.
Report an outage from your mobile phone
Text STATUS from a mobile phone associated with your account* to 855-938-3651 and we will let you know if we see your outage. If not, text OUT to 855-938-3651 and we will receive your outage report.
*Keep mobile numbers and email addresses on your account updated by calling our office or using SmartHub.
Report An Outage With SmartHub
When you report an outage in SmartHub, it is automatically entered into our Outage Management System. Our dispatchers will use the information you submitted to get your power restored as soon as possible. If you have questions or need assistance signing up for notifications on SmartHub, give us a call (270) 765-6153 or view the help video below.
Need to report a Hazard/Public Safety Concern?
You can use our Hazard/Public Safety Concern Report form to notify us of a hazard/public safety concern.
Please note that it is NOT for initial outage reporting and should only be used to report recognized hazards or public safety concerns related to Nolin RECC’s electrical distribution system. DO NOT GO NEAR A DOWNED LINE. If you have a photo of the issue or can take one at a safe distance, you can upload that here as well.
Outage Notifications
Are you experiencing an outage? Want to get notifications on the estimated time of restoration or when the power comes back on? Through SmartHub, you can choose to be notified when a power outage has occurred, an update on estimated time of power restoration and when power has been restored. If you don’t already receive these notifications, you can sign up through SmartHub either on the free mobile app or our website.
Wire-to-Wire With Nolin RECC Episode 3 Storm Restoration
Be Prepared
Before your power goes out, we encourage you to be prepared. Check out the information below so you can be prepared the next time your power is out.
- Dealing with Downed Poles and Trees after a Storm
- Emergency kit list
- Food Safety during an outage
- How to Prepare for an Outage
- How to Safely Use a Portable Generator
- Oxygen users need an outage plan
- What part of the electric service does the homeowner/consumer own?
- Winter Storm tips
- How to stay cool during a power outage when it’s hot

How is power restored? It’s a process…